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‘O Love That Will Not Let Me Go’
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‘Father Speak to Me I Am Listening’
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‘The Mike Rayson Story’
‘My Life In His Hands’ is a brand new TV series, hot off the press with ‘The Mike Rayson Story’ being the first one. Mike’s life has been a rollercoaster of a ride.
After becoming a United Methodist Minister cover serving in Nashville Tennessee USA, Mike had everything. A wonderful family, a very supportive wife, who herself is also a United Methodist.
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‘Song of Songs’
Song of Songs is essentially a love poem and is arguably one of the best found anywhere in the Bible. Yet it often remains a mystery; a standalone piece of beautifully written poetry which would grace the annals of any classical poetry volume, yet in the context of the Holy Bible often misunderstood.
David Aldous has long had a burden to unveil the mystery of the Song, so along with Cherie Brown and the Jonathan Neal Orchestra has recorded one of the finest dramatic readings of any portion of the scriptures.
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‘Church Without Walls’
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